Feelings About Prague
A walk through the peculiar city among its shadows and reflections In thoughts, feelings, associations

The album of photo-poems
Feelings About Prague is an author’s project, which includes: an exclusive gift album of photo-poems, e-book, and a collection of NFT photos.
You can look through the Album online for free directly on this site, see photos, read poetry. The Album is not for sale in paper form.

Printed Album
Feelings About Prague - Album of photo-poems was released in a limited edition, as an exclusive, deluxe edition.
The electronic version of the Album is available online for all users.
NFT project
The purpose of the NFT project launch is to attract investments through the sale of NFT photos to implement copyright ideas in the field of digital art.
Organization of the NFT photo gallery in the metaverses. Creation of thematic games and quests.